JP9360 to provide a sharp focus on space Australian Defence
For the last three years the Australian government has been open about the need to build its sovereign space capabilities launching the overarching SDA project JP9360 in 2020 which consolidated and replaced a number of individual SDA projects Recently the government has started exploring the feasibility of a spacebased Data Transport
Under project JP9360 Defence is pursuing an expanded space domain awareness capability facilitated via commercial space surveillance systems that are both ground and space based Australias location in the southern hemisphere makes it ideal for monitoring Chinas space activities including its launch operations
Defences Space Domain Awareness SDA roadmap has evolved since a Request for Proposals RFP was issued to industry in the middle of 2020 and it now looks to deliver capability in a number of tranches under the overarching JP9360 program JP9360 was launched in July 2020 and replaces six individual projects Air 3029 Phase 2 JP9350
Under the SDA Project JP9360 the capability would be built to help identify threats to Australian and allied spacebased capabilities inform about the location of spacecraft monitor manmade
HENSOLDT unveils Space Domain Awareness radar for JP9360
HENSOLDT unveils Space Domain Awareness radar for JP9360 February 25 2023 Radar ASTRA which the company is offering for the Australian Defence Forces JP 9360 Space Domain Awareness SDA requirement ASTRA will be a sovereign Australian system comprising a suite of relocatable multitechnology Advanced Electronic Scanned Array AESA
Phase 2 of JP9360 will add additional groundbased space surveillance capability At the same time commercial space surveillance companies such as LEOLabs and HEO Robotics will contribute both groundbased and spacebased situational awareness of activities in the region between lowearth orbit and geosynchronous orbit
Jp9360 Sda
Australias role in critical space domain awareness SDA is becoming a major mission for the defence force Australia has long provided a suitable piece of real estate as part of the Five Eyes intelligencesharing community and through the 2014 Combined Space Operations initiative The continent lies directly beneath launch
As space becomes cheaper easier to access and hence more congested in terms of the number and type of space objects in orbit around the earth the Australian Defence Force is embarked on a new mission to establish a comprehensive understanding of the space domain
Space Domain Awareness Lockheed Martin Australia
Keep looking up Australias next steps in space surveillance
Defence kicks off first stage of Australian space domain ZDNET
Space surveillance and AUKUS The power of awareness
Jp9360 Sda
Press Release 20220408 ExoAnalytic Solutions
Defence to examine plans for space domain
Launching Australias role in assuring access to space
To oversee the development of a sovereign SDA capability Defence launched JP9360 Space Domain Awareness in 2020 which brings six earlier projects together as a single program In September this year Defence further briefed industry that the delivery of capability under the overarching JP9360 project will be sought via a series of tranches
The ExoAnalyticBoeing solution for JP9360 Tranche 2 will provide RAAF operators with the ability to simultaneously and exclusively task multiple groundbased telescopes across ExoAnalytics global sensor network of 350 telescopes These telescopes will be controlled and operated from an Australian Command Centre delivering highly flexible
Defence rethinks space surveillance roadmap